How To Create Relevant and High Quality Backlinks For Your Website

Apr 13, 2022
5 min read
Angus Yip

Are you familiar with backlinks and their significance in SEO? To answer this question simply, a backlink is an integral connection from one website to another. You receive a link when somebody else's website has your URL listed as part of its content, or if it originates from yours. Quality links are especially valuable by Google because they denote that your site holds information most users find beneficial - plus the more trustworthy websites that list you as a reference, the better! If you haven't yet launched your own page but want to get started right away, our web design service will surely help.

How to earn high-quality backlinks?

1. Create Useful Content

Content marketing lies at the forefront of our list for backlink building strategies. But why is great content so essential? And what does it have to do with forming backlinks?

We always proclaim "content is king". Quality and useful content not only satisfies visitors' initial need, but also encourages them to share it on public forums or social networks which will result in free-of-cost links from other sources. Therefore, when you create valuable information for your website, try putting yourself in their shoes and think about something that will catch readers’ attention and generate a flurry of buzz around it; this way you can be extra precise while picking relevant topics. When writing articles remember these four key criteria:

  1. uniqueness by adding fresh ideas;
  2. usefulness by providing answers related to user's search query;
  3. comprehendible words that make complex concepts easier to understand and
  4. easy presentation using visuals like images/videos etc.,

These all contribute towards making your article readable as well as memorable!

2. Reach out to bloggers and editors

Establishing links with larger sites that have higher authority is a smart practice, as it provides an incentive for them to give you their support. This process may be relatively simple, but one must remember not to chase after low-quality spammy websites in order to boost your search engine rankings. It's important and far more valuable to focus on related or peer industry sites that are of high quality - simply put, one great backlink from such a place will always be better than ten average ones!

3. Utilize Social Media

In today's digital age, where it seems everyone has a social media account, mastering the art of leveraging this platform for your website is essential. Used wisely and effectively, social media can help you increase both free exposure and backlinks to your page.

Create a dedicated page on popular networks such as Facebook or Instagram; link directly to your website URL in the introduction section or related links area. Additionally, create short summaries of each article posted on your site - people tend not to have much patience these days when scrolling through feeds so concise content with an intriguing headline will grab their attention quickly! Encourage users by offering incentives if they share any posts from your feed; this way they’ll be even more inclined pass along great things about you online!

4. Find reference to your business that haven't directly linked to your site yet

This is a great method of creating backlinks. By searching the internet for your brand name or URL, you can discover sites that have talked about your company but haven't linked to it yet. All you need to do is get in touch with them and remind them that linking back to your site will help credit their content's source. Additionally, since these webpages are likely fans of yours already or tied into topics similar to yours, there’s a strong chance they’ll provide links easily and could form lasting connections as well!

5. Make use of community marketing

Earlier on, we discussed the importance of expanding your reach to increase backlinks. Social media can assist in this quest and provide some links at the same time. However, newcomers often don't comprehend SEO correctly; they believe that attaining more backlinks will advance their website ranking automatically. So they turn up to forums or blogs with an intent to share a lot of outbound links speculatively without any relevance to the post – be aware that search engines identify such actions as spammy behaviour and penalize it accordingly! To get genuine long-term value from these networks, you should take care never to link haphazardly but always ensure that your content is relevant and informative for every post containing a connection towards your site.

What makes a good backlink?

Once you have the foundation of understanding how to acquire backlinks, let us dive into distinguishing the high-quality characteristics that make up a great link. Firstly, only links from sites deemed as credible by search engines will be taken seriously when it comes to allocating authority - think Wikipedia versus an unknown website for example. Secondly, since relevance is key in providing user traffic and avoiding penalties such as being classified by search engine algorithms as spam; making sure there's connection between the content of your webpage and the subject matter of where you are placing your outbound link is essential. Thirdly, anchor text with keywords pertinent to what page they point towards should also not go amiss! Last but not least: do pay attention whether or not links contain DoFollow/No Follow attributes - because whilst NoFollows may come off helpful at times (such as preventing penalty due to malicious activities) ultimately only DoFollows will be read by Google bots in order for them to rank pages accordingly!


Backlinks are considered to be one of the top three most influential components when it comes to search engine rankings. Establishing a solid backlink strategy can help direct more organic visitors your way, aiding in higher trust ratings and better page ranking. While we do want to mention that backlinks alone won't guarantee success for you, don't just hastily generate lots of them haphazardly - focus on connecting with reputable websites whose topics align closely with yours instead so as not waste time nor effort unnecessarily; this will in turn give you the best chance at reaching your desired objectives.





1.  創建值得被分享的內容



  1. 內容獨特性:在內容中加入自己獨特的觀點和建議
  2. 內容有用性:從用戶角度出發,回答他們來訪問你的網站的目的
  3. 內容簡單易懂:以最簡單的文字把複雜的概念具象化
  4. 內容易讀性:重視內容的呈現,使用圖像或影片來提升閱讀性

2.  主動聯繫有興趣與你建立連結的網站


3.  利用社交媒體的分享



4.  找到提及你的內容卻未置入連結的網站


5.  到論壇或社群分享你的內容

前面我們說到,要增加反向連結,就要提高讓自己網站曝光的機會。 除了可像前面提到的使用社交媒體推廣內容以外,你也可以到論壇或是像Quora或Reddit的第三方網站上發表言論,針對一些與你的內容相關的問題分享一些有用的資訊,增加曝光率的同時,也能收獲一些反向連結。




  • 連結來自權威的網頁:對搜索引擎來說,反向連結相當於別人對你的網站所投的信任票,連結來自信任度越高的網站,所傳遞的連結價值(Link Equity)也就越高。試想一下,用戶會更願意相信維基百科的外連,還是一個名不見經傳的網站的連結呢?
  • 連結的內容和網站自身主題具備關聯性:連結與網站主體缺乏關聯性不但會降低用戶的訪問流量,還可能因為被搜索引擎定義成垃圾連結而SEO遭處罰。
  • 帶有目標關鍵字的錨點文字: 錨點文字(Anchor Text)就是所安插連結的文字,通常會顯示為藍色帶底線的文字。搜索引擎會參考錨點文字去了解連結的內容, 是關鍵字排名的重要參考。
  • DoFollow 和 NoFollow連結屬性:網頁內的連結可分成DoFollow或NoFollow兩種屬性,只有DoFollow連結會被搜索引擎爬取並收錄,而NoFollow連結則不會被Google在計算排名時納入考量。

